Jaws Movie Review

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Considered the original blockbuster by many and being a movie in a lot of peoples top ten lists, Jaws was a must watch. The 1975 classic was directed by Steven Spielberg and he truly didn't miss with this film. The movie starts by introducing a family that lives in a small beach town that is famous for its beautiful beaches and its fourth of July celebration. Brody played by Roy Schneider was the main star in the movie was the head of the police in the town. This being the first summer that Brody is police chief he has some big shoes to fill but he's ready. Everything is going well when all of a sudden shark attacks begin to occur and this wasn't just one attack it was becoming consistent. After a couple attacks and panic set out around town a campaign was sparked to kill the shark. The entire town jumped in their boats the next day hoping to get the reward for killing the shark. One group reeled in a big shark but it was confirmed to not be the one responsible for the murders. This is where quint and hooper come in. Quint is a professional shark hunter and Hooper is a marine biologist. The team of three hit the water in hunt for the shark. They had many close calls at catching him but the great white was too big. Eventually the shark killed quint and left Hooper hiding in a coral reef. Brody was alone on the ship but managed to toss an oxygen tank in the mouth of the great white and shot it to Blow him up. Hooper floated to the top and found Brody they reunited and swam to shore.

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There is so much to love about jaws as a film but one thing that sticks out to me is the attention to detail. A specific detail I love is the use of the color yellow to depict danger. Throughout the film there was many instances where danger was presented with some yellow color pop. Spielberg said he wanted blood to have a color of its own which I find fascinating and it really worked.

Jaws: Deleted scene from Steven Spielberg's movie sounds horrifying |  news.com.au — Australia's leading news site

I also fell in love with the character development of Brody. Brody was a very high strung character throughout the film because of all the stress in the town. He was also getting almost no support from the town mayor or any other town officials. His character slowly grew into a true hero and man of the people. He was spending nights up learning about the ocean and sharks, he really let the case consume him.

Jaws 40th anniversary: What critics thought in 1975

This is a film that I've seen many times and it never gets old. I would highly recommend this film for anyone. It takes a small town story of shark attacks and makes it a captivating adventure. The camerawork the music and the acting was all spectacular.


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